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14 Fascinating Facts About Jaguars in Costa Rica

14 Fascinating Facts About Jaguars in Costa Rica

The grace, the stealth, the prowess — even avid haters of domestic cats cannot deny the magnificence of the jaguar. I already thought this cat was pretty incredible but was blown away by the information I learned about jaguars while researching this article. ...

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A Beautiful Chill: Fun Facts About Snow

A Beautiful Chill: Fun Facts About Snow

The morning after a snowstorm dawns bright and beautiful. The sun glints off the white banks, icicles reflect sunbeams in all directions — it’s a stunning sight. Yeah, it’s cold. And I hear that my friends up in the States are experiencing freezing cold temperatures...

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Book Review: The Rose of Petrichoria

Long before I was a writer, I was an avid reader. I assume that many of you may be avid readers always on the lookout for another good book. So I'll be doing book reviews and recommendations now and again that you can take a look at. The first author I will be...

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How to Do Genuine Emotional Photography

How to Do Genuine Emotional Photography

Have you ever looked through another photographer’s Instagram feed and wondered how they get their clients to look so relaxed and natural for the camera?   Do they just naturally get photogenic people that love having their picture taken? It seems like all your...

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Costa Rica Bullfighting Facts

Costa Rica Bullfighting Facts

In Costa Rica, bullfighting is a national pastime deeply woven into the culture. But don’t worry. If you’re already thinking about the gory spectacles popular in Spain and Mexico, you can stop.   Bullfighting in Costa Rica is an entirely different cup of tea....

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